Saturday, August 15, 2009

Morning on Blue Ridge

Volunteer Gap. This is the inn at Volunteer Gap. We were the only ones there that night/morning.

Big Walker lookout

Old AT trailhead.

Power Lines

Between Turkey Gap and Big Walker Lookout (closer to Turkey Gap).


mushrooms at Turkey Gap

Back at the top of the ridge, with sun

Meadow facing North (uphill)

By the time we reached this meadow the sun out.

Meadow at Turkey Gap

What is this, military?

Right off that crosscutting trail.

Another mushroom

Weird, huh?


This path cuts through the middle, going West to East. To the left there you can see part of the military rock forts.


Starts it seemed from nowhere, off the road leading south, well before the southern reference monument.

Reference monument: SW corner.

From road South road.

Southwest corner.

NW corner

Soopum's heading down the road, which determines the "West slope".

Walking east, beyond NE corner (I think)

Climbing to adjacent peak.

Northeast corner

The little white plastic thingimagig inside the rocks is the "actual" corner.

Bearing tree (at Northeast corner)

View from AT to South.

This is the very top, still.

AT (northern boundary) pointing East

To the right would be the Williams property.

AT trail pointing to the NW corner

If you turn 180 degrees you'll follow the AT trail, which determines the northern boundary of the property, I think.

360 of the NW corner

Car is at junction of AT and RG Turnpike. The now private road (in picture #2) goes down the Liton property, North.

These two 4 & 3) point South and East respectively.

This shot (right) is taken from the NW corner pointing Southwest (car would be to the right.)

NW corner

The three trees in the middle are bearing trees and this represents the NW corner.

More Mushrooms

Here's another picture of those mushrooms at Turkey Gap.

Turkey Gap

There is a variety of fungi at Turkey Gap. In the wet especially they stick out as the one bright form. Need to find out if any are edible. And there is Soopum and the car is parked where the old AT meets the old RG Turnpike. Soopum is mostly trespassing here I think, but if he keeps walking in the direction he's walking (South,) he'll arrive to the property that was acquired, I think, by Samuel Williams (if I'm not mistaken!) way back when.